I would like to invite you to join the new Cartoons And Comics Ring. In order to qualify your site (or at least part of it) must be Cartoon And Comics related. Also in the Queue addition request you must put the url address of the cartoons or comics page in which you will enter the code. Please remember that your site must be PG rated.

After you have filled out the form, you'll need to paste the HTML code. Once you have pasted the HTML code please e-mail me, I need you to do this so I can check out your site.

Note: anywhere that says --your id-- delete the whole thing and put the id that you're given after filling out the form.

Also Note: It usually takes me about 2-3 days to add you to the ring. If by any chance it takes longer, I ask you to e-mail me at  lfallah@hotmail.com , with your site id # (you will be given you id # right after submitting your form) .  Click Here To Join This Ring and fill out the Form!

This is how the Ring should look like.


And here's the code you should use. Just copy the whole thing and paste it onto the page you want to use. Just remember that this code needs to be put on a Cartoon and Comics related page.  Also, it would be alot easier if you would just save the image onto you own server. Just right click on the picture and choose the option "save image as" .  Once you have saved the image just upload it to your host server.

Below is the code if you'd rather have the image ON your own server.

Below is the code if you'd rather have the image NOT on your server.

You may want to see the list of people in the Queue .
You can also Edit Your Site Info Here.

|movies|cartoons|celebrities|tv shows|home|e-mail|