Hello... I'm Lisa

Welcome to my world

I'm 16 years old and currently studying for the first diploma in Animal Management at Canterbury College. Animals are my greatest love in life and I am hoping to pursue a career in Animal Care when I have completed my studies. A few years ago, during the 1998 summer school holidays, I completed a project on minibeasts for which I was awarded a coverted otter trophy. To find out more about this, follow the link to my minibeasts Page

I live in a village called Sturry, just outside Canterbury in Kent, with my Mum and my adopted Dad Paul. I have two sisters and a brother who are grown up and have left home, their names are Christine, Maria and Andrew. Maria and Pete (her husband) have three boys Lewis (5), Ashley (4) and Alex who was born in October 2003, I am very proud to be their Auntie. My brother Andrew lives in Margate and both my sisters and my three nephews live in Southampton, that's where I lived before we moved to Kent in January 2000.

My favourite things are Teddy bears (follow the link to my Teddy Bear Page), Animals, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Busted, F.r.i.e.n.d.s, The Simpsons, the Lion King and 101 dalmations.

Visit my Teddy Bear Page
More about my minibeasts project

My E-Mail addresse is:- lisa@pwootton.demon.co.uk

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Last Updated: 8 May 2005
Copyright © Lisa Marie Jones

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