The main room of G'riz's weyr is relativly large. There is a dragon couch near the door to his living quaters. A light green couch for humans sits near a window, a smaller one turned to face it. The paintings and murals substitute the lacking furniture. Near the neat desk is a chest. You decide not to open it. You enter the wash room. The tub is clean and smooth under your fingers. The stone has been sanded and polished so not to cut bare skin. There is a window with curtains that can be closed for privacy. The cool air outside makes the hot room comfortable. There are shelves that hold sweetsand and drying clothes. There is also numbweed and scale oil, as well as some clean rags. You leave the washroom and enter the living quaters. It is also neat. There is a bookshelf, another dragon couch and human couch. There is of course a bed and a dresser for clothes. A window is above the bed, the curtains are drawn making the room seem gloomy. You notice another curtain. This one, however, is like a door. You push it aside and see a sunning ledge. It is very large and could easily fit a dragon taking off with a short running start. You believe this is it, until you see an easel in a corner. There is an unfinished painting and some supplies on the window sill. G'riz probably painted those black and white paintings and those murals.
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