Ironna and Gold Worth

A sevenday after the second Hatching at Everest Weyr, you've decided to check on the new riders. So far you've visited almost everybody. All of them were either not there, too busy or could only spare a minute. Now last on your list is Ironna and her new Queen.

You are approaching her new, larger weyr when you almost bump into somebody. You mumble an apology and move on until the person says your name. You eyes widen in suprise. "Heyla! Just checking on everyone? K'zer was telling me about it. He's on the Feeding Grounds with Kadith. Come to see my Worth? She's probably sleeping now." You see that Ironna has her hair pulled up with a leather clasp and is wearing a brown dress with a white apron that looks new. You ask her if she's still working in the kitchens. "Oh yes. Nothing much has changed in my life. Only I don't have a lot of time to work in the kitchens, with Worth and all. But I'm having the best time of my life."

Ironna smiles and pushes the door open gently. Her new weyr is certainly a decent amount bigger. You look around and see a scarlet lump on the dragon couch. You turn to Ironna. She nods. "Worth. And another temporary weyr. We're going to transfer to Odyssey Sky and become the first Junior Weyrwoman. The Senior Weyrwoman is Nebula and white Kynelith." Ironna trundles over to the dragon couch and starts to lift the fuzzy red blanket. "Worth? Worth, dear?" She whispers. Worth's golden head is exposed now. Her blue eyes blink open then close as she turns away.

Ironna chuckles softly and tosses the blanket back over her Queen. She waves a hand at you and starts walking to outside. You close the door behind you and turn to her. She is smiling at you with her scar tissue pink lips. "Worth wants to sleep and she sleeps very lightly. Like most arrogant Queens she wakes up grumpy. So we'd better go. I promised Tella I'd help her with a new recipe she just found. I'll see you later, then." Ironna waves and starts to descend the steps to the kitchens, leaving you standing by the door.

Ask more about Ironna's history. Pick up the nearby leather bound book or ask how Ironna was Searched. Bid her clear skies and walk out to Everest Weyr or ask to explore her weyr.