Drop me a line at <("juan" + "at" + "linuxjoy" + "dot" + "org" (je je... spammers...=;-O)...)

As you can see my HTML skills are really poor, so if you were expecting a nice and friendly webpage, sorry for dissapointing you.... may be next time....

Now let's talk about me..well, well, well... what I can say... I am Linux fan since mid's 90s when I came across of kernel 2.0.36 thanks to one of my best pals who introduced me in this amazing operating system. Since then I've been in touch with Red Hat, Debian and Conectiva as distros and Gnome, KDE and CDE as Xwindows Managers. Now I've moved on and my home network is pulled out by a Celeron 2 GHz, 512 MB, 40 GBytes HDD using Debian Sarge updated with the kernel 2.6.8 and Pekwm as Xwindows manager, and a Pentium IV 1,3 GHz, 512 MB, 20 GBytes HDD powered by FreeBSD 5.2 and Apache 2 working as Web, DNS and SSH server. Between my DSL modem, flying at 3 Mbps, static IP and 1st Access as my ISP, and these two machines, I've got my big fat box protecting my network from the outside, a "powerful" Pentium II, 350 MHz, 16 MB, 2 Gbytes HDD working as Router, Gateway, NAT server, IP masquerading and Firewall, thanks to IPTables and Shorewall (what amazing development guys !!). For those interested to learn a little bit more about the Linux world, under the freedom of choice philosophy, take a look to these websites:

Linux on-line

www.linux.org and www.kernel.org are a must !!

Having Fun with Linux

Hack in the box
Fyodor's good reading list
The Hackers Playground
Zone-H.org - IT Security Information Network


Linux Gazette
Linux Journal
Linux Magazine
Linux Magazine - England

Linux Distributions

Red Hat
Free OS


ITtoolbox UNIX Knowledge Base
The Resource Center for Free Operating Systems
CLUE: Canadian Linux users' exchange
GNU's Not Unix!
Linux HeadQuarters
Linux Metapage
Oracle9i Database - Linux
The Linux Documentation Project
The Linux Home Page at Linux Online


Earth and Moon Viewer
The Online Books Page: Book Listings
Scientific Applications on Linux (SAL)


Find an ISP in Canada

Open E- Books

IT Tests Download Center
Linux Course
Open Source: Voices
The Network Book
O'Reilly Open Books Project

Distributed Computing

http://www.securityfocus.com http://www.distributed.net http://www.ebcvg.com http://www.blackcode.com http://www.hackinthebox.org http://www.hackerstickers.comdoomdead.com rootforce.org illmob.org