The Missouri Masonic
Children's Foundation

Executive Director

Liz Means
202 SE Crestwood
Lee's Summit, MO. 64063
Home phone/Fax: 816.347.1772

"The Masonic Children's Foundation is dedicated to the success of Missouri's at-risk youth
by providing informational resources through professional services, education
and prevention activities."

What Is The Missouri Masonic Children's Foundation?

The Missouri Masonic Children's Foundation is a service of the Grand Lodge of Missouri Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons.
The Foundation was developed in response to the concerns Missouri Freemasons share about youth who are at risk due to abuse, substance abuse or violence.

What Types Of Educational Programs Do We Offer?

The Masonic Children's Foundation offers workshops to school staff, faculty administration and other concerned community members to identify the symptoms in youth who are experiencing alcohol or drug problems, or are involved in other abuse situations.
The outcome of the workshops is for participants to return to their schools and communities to develop teams within the community to better meet the needs of these youth.

Dates, Times & Locations Of Programs

Workshops are offered upon demand.
The Freemasons provide facilities throughout the state to allow more people to participate in the trainings.
Workshops will be offered in 4 regions, namely Northwest, Northeast, Southwest and Southeast during the year 2002 and 2003 school year.

Feel free to contact anyone on the "Regional Directors" list linked to this page

How To Sign Up For These Free Programs

Contact Liz Means ~ 202 SE Crestwood ~ Lee's Summit, MO. ~ 64063 ~ 816.347.1772 ~ Executive Director, or Ron Miller at the Grand Lodge office at 573-474-8561 or e-mail us at Ronald Miller for further information on the student assistance program of the Missouri Masonic Children's Foundation.


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a public service message by your friends and neighbors,
the Freemasons of Missouri.
To learn more about Freemasonry, click on the Square and Compasses.

This website developed by The Missouri Grand Lodge
Board of Directors of the Missouri Masonic Children's Foundation.

2002 / 2003

Rt. Wor. Bro. Bruce R. Austin, Chairman
Rt. Wor. Bro. Marvin R. Davis
Rt. Wor. Bro. Rocky Weaver
Rt. Wor. Bro. Larry Reynolds
Rt. Wor. Bro. Ronald D. Miller, ( Grand Secretary )


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