This is our collection of pointless little one liners. We recommend just saying them to people at random and then walking away. Their reactions are PRICELESS but you hafta keep a straight face! OK here goes...
1. Maybe the dingo ate your baby
2. I wish you weren't such a liar!
3. Why do you LIE all the time?
4. I'm going to build a plastic museum
5. Pardon me... i have NOTHING to say to you!
6. Did you know Nita rhymes with fajita? (works really well if Nita is your boss's name!)
7. I'm a pretty funny guy! (gets a great reaction if you happen to be female!)
8. I feel like I'm in spring water...
9. Amitalkinthatfastidontthink imtalkinthatfastamireallytalkinfast?
11. If me and a lizard had a staring contest... who do you think would win?
12. I feel like a dictionary!
13. Before I forget to remind myself...
14. Cuckoo bellows!
AnOtHeR FuN ThInG tO dO...
wad a whole lot of tape up into a ball and stick it on your head (umm wear a hat or somethin' otherwise it hurts!). when people stare at you, smile and say, "it's a pom pom! isn't it nice?"
* N * O * T * E *
all of these things have been done at least once by one or both of us!