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Free data eraser program. Full version.

Using the delete command, emptying the recycle bin, formatting the disk, or even using the fdisk does not remove information stored on your hard disk permanently. These operating system commands only alter the structure of your drive, leaving most of the data intact and recoverable by data recovery experts.

DataEraser.exe is a program that allows you to erase the content of any file with the safest way possible. This program makes a given file unrecoverable by any data recovery expert or even the most hated spy agencies.
You can also run this program at the command(dos) prompt. This program writes to a given file several times using random binary numbers without deleting the file.

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    Who can find this program useful for them?
  1. Data recovery companies. They must remove the entire customer's data from their servers after a successful recovery.
  2. Computer users who want to erase their private and sensitive data files safely and permanently.
  3. Police department
  4. Freedom fighters
  5. Royal families, kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers...
  6. All the spy agencies like CIA, FBI, ASIO, MI5, and more..
  7. Average guys like you and I, who want to permanently destroy their data (e.g. any file type like document, picture, database...)
  8. Members of organized and non-organized crime.
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