The accidental librarian

Not everyone is attracted by the idea of spending their holiday in a library, but several people have said they were pleasantly surprised by the books in the house, so I include this page to give people an idea of what is there and how the collection developed. You can find out more on Librarything (Sorry I haven't indexed all the books yet!)

Poolside reading

There is a good range of poolside reading � maybe something new or some older titles to revisit. We usually buy a few best sellers each year. If there is anything you would particularly like to read, email me and I will check that the book is there and get it for you if necessary.
We have been collecting books by Donna Leon, who writes enjoyable detective stories based in Venice about Inspector Guido Brunetti, and Patrick O�Brian whose books have become popular recently after the success of the film Master and commander

The Booker prize

I bought most of the 2005 Booker shortlist in fit of enthusiasm and have nearly read them all now. Having broadened my horizons I�ve decided to stick with books I�m fairly sure I will like.


In the 1960s I started reading Doris Lessing, Laurence Durrell, Iris Murdoch and Virginia Woolf. My Bloomsbury collection has expanded to include other writers and related biographies such as those of Vita Sackville West and Violet Trefusis.
In the early 1970s courtesy of Von�s Bookshop in West Lafayette Indiana (USA) we read Hermann Hesse�s Glass bead game, Thomas Mann�s Magic mountain and Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Some other authors we have enjoyed include Anita Brookner, Anne Tyler, Alison Lurie, Penelope Lively, Fay Weldon, Ian MacEwan, Amis pere et fils, J P Donleavy and Joanna Trollope. But there are lots more�

Travel writing

Including lots by Bruce Chatwin and Bernard Levin


A varied selection from Anne Robinson and Yves Saint Laurent to Bertrand Russell and Baden Powell. Antonia Fraser on Mary Queen of Scots.


Anthologies, Mersey poets, Metaphysical poets. Philip Larkin. I have recently bought books by Simon Armitage, Dannie Abse and Seamus Heaney�s District and circle.

And other stuff

Did you read the letters of Henry Root? And I recommend Great housewives of art.

Books on the Languedoc

  • Rupert Wright Notes from the Languedoc
    Notes on the history of the area and profiles of local characters.
  • Patrick Moon Virgile�s vineyard: A Year in the Languedoc Wine Country
    Patrick inherits a remote and neglected house in the Languedoc, and finds out about local winemaking while struggling to make his house livable.
  • Patrick Moon Arazat�s aubergines
    Patrick returns to his house in the Languedoc and becomes involved in a new restaurant venture
  • Christopher Hope Signs of the heart; love and death in the Languedoc
    Expats from across Europe adjust to life in a Languedoc village.
  • More France please, we're British
    Written by a Sunday Times writer who has now moved to Dubai!

    Guide books

  • Languedoc and Roussillon Rough Guide
  • Cadogan guide to the South of France
  • Drive around Languedoc and Southwest France Thomas Cook Publishing
    Top 25 car tours; walking tours round towns and cities; what to see; where to eat and stay
  • John Cross Walking in the Languedoc (A Cicerone Guide)
    Over 30 walks of varying lengths.
    The house The garden and pool
    The area Walks
    Home Availability / terms and conditions
    How to get there from the UK