and e-commerce

The problem with choosing a web site designer is you never know if you're getting ripped off. Since designing web sites is so new providers are taking different approaches in pricing their work. Unfortunately, many are taking the approach that they will charge whatever the market will bear. Our experience is that huge premiums are being charged to build web sites just because this medium is so new.

Here's how to tell if you' re getting fair prices. If you have any experience buying printed materials and you have a feel for what graphic design costs
should be on a printed piece, you know what the cost should be for lnternet Web design. That's it. No more.... no less. Just figure out how many pages you'll need on your web site and estimate what you would spend to have it designed if you were going to have it printed. That 's what it should cost. Even tough the process is slightly different, the basic principles of good graphic design are the same and the time involved is similar.

Another problem is that many web site developers are really software programmers and computer hardware experts. They found out that they had a lot to learn before they could build web sites. This is because learning the Internet programming language is relatively easy. The hard part and the steep learning curve is learning the desktop publishing software (Photoshop, Illustration and Page layout programs) necessary to build web sites. These have always been the traditional tools of the Graphic Designer. Also, software programmers and hardware experts aren't graphic artists. No matter how much
they learn about what keyboard keys to push to make desktop publishing programs work, they can't suddenly acquire the sense of page layout and design that good graphic artists possess.

We have always been strong in graphic design. Building web sites is using our design skills, applying a few special design principals for the Internet and placing in web site codes (HTML programming). Our learning curve was very short to design professional web sites. We charge our traditional graphic design fees, whether it's for web site development or conventional printing.