"Vikings' RainyDay Blu"

2 months old

This little guy is going to grow up
to be a real sweetie.
His sire is the beautiful gray,
McCoy Arabian, "Counts Viking".
His dam is,"Little Miss Rainy",
a bay Arab/Welsh pony,
who stands 14'1" hands.
His dam's sire is also
a gray Arabian, "Mr. Zarzon".
Blu is a registered half Arabian
and will make a calm and gentle gelding.

Take a look at some of the horses that have gone
into the making of this little guy,
and it will be easy to see why he is
going to be something special.

My Daddy, "Counts Viking"

Mr.Zarzon, Blue's dams' sire.
He is quite the
impressive gentleman.

Me and Mommy."Little Miss Rainy"
The sweetest little horse in the world.

Also for Sale in the Valley

Arab Mare
Weanling Arab Colt

For a copy of his pedigree,
price, or other information,
contact me using my ICQ messenger below,
or email us at

Horse Country Tack

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