This poem is dedicated to the volunteers at all the Air Museums everywhere, but especially at the "Planes of Fame" Air Museum at Chino Airport, in Chino California.

The Volunteers

It's quiet now as I see it there

With fabric torn, and wings so bare.

It's quiet now with no engine roar.

No screaming speed, no raging war.

It's quiet now and I can see

Some holes in places they shouldn't be.

It's quiet now, the crew is gone

The guns don't fire, the battle's won.

It's time now that the war birds fight.

But there are those that join with delight

To bring them back for all to see.

They pinch and pry, they fix and free.

It's time that tears at the wings and tires.

But the gentle touch of a craftsman good

Will make it fly as it really should.

Nolan Julian
March 23, 1996