Welcome from Erasmus Compositor!

Here are comments by past visitors to Erasmus Compositor.

- 03/13/00 01:36:58

Rachel - 11/02/99 02:16:57
My Email:rach18ut@aol.com
Please send me any info on the Praise of Folly. I am especially interested in why Erasmus made Folly a woman

Barry Halvorsen - 02/14/99 02:13:06
Hi John & Peg! Best wishes in the Lord. Thought I would visit your Web site to see how it looks. Talk to you later. Barry

Paul Lennon - 02/12/99 02:10:32
My Email:cadence90@juno.com
Nice web page, it incorporates a lot of interesting topics that are very helpful to a growing mind, keep up the nice work!

Michael - 02/05/99 00:16:00
My Email:madrummo@learn.senecac.on.ca
Hi there! Thanks for a very detailed outline of the social structure of the city 'Nippur'.

Tina - 01/12/99 11:30:34
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/fortune/466/
My Email:tina.usa@usa.net
Hi John, it's obvious that you did put a lot of hard work on this site too. I especially like your "Good Composition" chapter. Sites like yours are making the Net to be a worthy place.
Keep up the great effords.
Take care,

Dubsar - 10/07/98 17:51:59
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/stone/319
My Email:dubsar@fcmail.com
Just a visit by Dubsar the Cuneiform Scribe from ancient Nippur. I hope you moderns will come visit my sundried mudbrick house on the east side of the center of the world 40 centuries ago. Business communications seem in decline so long after such great a complishments by the Sumerians. Anglophiles need help.

Randi Hersh - 12/19/97 23:26:17
My URL:http://www.ultradirect.com
My Email:contact@ultradirect.com
Dearest John, I know how life was like back then I was there...I think. JUST kidding your story is very intrestin. I told my sons to read it. They wanted to know can you mack it into a game ?..sorry about spelling email so new to me... printer shiped from chicgo.other things from N.J. waitig on ship date for simm. Ill let you know .May your holiday be happy and all gods blessings shine on you and peggy... Best Regards, Randi Larry Allen ,Scott&Shari ....

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