Lindy Blake

Microsoft Approved Software Trainer

34 Margetts, Hemingford Grey
Cambridgeshire, England PE18 9EP

*Word for Windows 6, 7 , 97 and 2000

*Excel 7, 97 and 2000

*PowerPoint 7, 97 and 2000

*Introduction to Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0

*MS Mail, Schedule+, MS Exchange, Outlook 97, 98 and 2000

*WordPerfect for Windows 5.2, 6, 6.1 and 7

*Lotus 123 v 4, 5 and 97 for Windows

*AmiPro 3.1 and WordPro 96 and 97

*Freelance Graphics for Windows

*Visio 4

*Introduction to Lotus Notes 4.6 mail and calendar

Lindy can be reached at

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