The Trap
As Seen On T.V.Features

How many times have you heard a car alarm and just ignored it?...So they are not very effective, are they? Steering wheel locks, tracking devices and immobilisers cannot protect the contents INSIDE your car, often the reason for the break-in.
THE TRAP is the only solution that protects both - your car AND its contents!

Leading U.S Magazines:
"THE TRAP...protects the vehicle AND its contents" - LOWRIDER magazine;
"Easy to use, easy to store" -MIATA magazine;
"Removes incentive for any break-in" - RETAILING magazine.


30 days money back guarantee ! You have absolutely nothing to lose!!

We are retailers - K.A.S.C. Imports, Malta Europe
Tel : +356 383890
E-mail for any queries : MAIL ME!


Special Offer for 1999 - hurry up only 20 units left!

US $ 54 or UK £ 33 or LM 22 (shipping worldwide)

Kindly contact us by e-mail for purchase order.

Click HERE for More Information




In this site you can also find out about the NEW BOOKCLIP - Keep your hands open and your book free while you read, another product promoted by K.A.S.C. Imports, Malta

[The Trap Home Page] [The Trap - More Info] [The New Bookclip]  

Web site since 7th July 1998 - Adrian Sciberras, KASC Imports

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