I work in the television news business so I see crime on a daily basis. The police are always commenting to me on how the victims might of been able to protect themselves against crime. I like to share some of those tips with you, but remember nothing is fool proof. |
Avoid getting B&E'd |
A burglar will hit your house if he really wants to but most burglars will hit the easiest target on the block. No one wants to get caught. |
Get an alarm. If you have insurance an alarm will pay for itself with your insurance cuts within a few months, if your insurance provider won't cut your premium change your insurance provider. If you can't afford an alarm put alarm stickers on all your doors and windows That way you will make the crooks think you have an alarm |
Install light motion sensors over your doors. a sensor can be purchased for as little as $15 and if you already have a porch light then you can replace the porch light with the sensor light in 20 minutes. |
Don't put valuables in front of a window. Sure you are proud of your new $6,000 stereo but you will attract the crooks |
Trim all your shrubs around your doors and windows so there is a clear view between your doors and windows and your neighbours doors and windows. That way the crooks will know that a neighbour can spot them. |
When going out, close your curtains, turn on a light and the radio or television so it can be slightly heard outside. Make the crooks think someone is home. |
Don't get car-jacked |
The steps below might help prevent you from getting car-jacked |
Always make sure all your doors are locked even if you are not in the car. |
Park your car in a well lit busy area when ever possible. |
Make sure you are not being followed when returning back to your car in a deserted area and lock your door and put the key in the ignition as soon as you get into the car. |
Avoid driving on dark roads without any traffic at night but if you have to stay locked in the car while driving and don't stop for anyone but emergency vehicles. |
Even in busy areas at night before coming to a red traffic light roll up your windows and always make sure all your doors are locked. |
When driving in bad areas of the city leave yourself enough room to manoeuvre around other vehicles in slow moving traffic so if someone attempts to car-jack you, you can dart out of the area. |
Protect seniors from being home invasion targets |
coming soon |
updated daily |