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Welcome to the Resume and Homepage of Charles L. Olson, CTM
Contained in this site, you will find my resume and various other points-of-interest that I enjoy. I hope that your visit is enlightening and the results are beneficial to both of us.
- Resume-My experiences and education has afforded me the opportunity to offer my services, in a variety of disciplines that include Management, Marketing, Creative, and Customer Service.
Mission Statement-"You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything..." Aaron Tippin
- Contact Information-I tend to be an active person so I have various ways in which we can connect with each other. The choice is yours...
- Employment Offerings-If you are an Employer or an agency that would like to inquire about my availability for a project or position, this is the place to go.
- W. Edwards Deming Institute-For many, including the entire entire manufacturing industry in Japan, Dr. W. Edwards Deming is the Father of Total Quality Management. His theories of Production and Efficiency were the key to the economic and industrial recovery of Japan after WWII and also serve as the base of ISO and QS theories today.
- NHL-Detroit RedwingsThey did it again!!! Talk about an organization that works together...and to Mr. Scotty Bowman, thank you for making it all come together, one last time.
- Altavista Search Engine-This search engine seems to have more and better references than any that I have come across.
- Google Search Engine-The speed and variety of links is comparable with Altavista.
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Mission Statement
It is my mission to not merely exist in the global community, but rather contribute relevently, my creative insights in a compassionate, respectful, and comprehensive manner, which is conducive to the future.
From a managerial perspective, I am fully-committed to prioritizing and integrating an environment of continuous improvemnet, as described in the 'Principles of Total Quality Management(TQM), as stated by W. Edwards Deming and Steven Covey, as they relate to world commerce and productivity. Through the selection and delegation of talented, motivated individuals, I seek 'Corporate Goal Actualization(CGA), which in turn, stimulates and nutures overall awareness and corporate social consciousness, within the local and global communities. By utilizing trustworthy and efficient network/procedural systems and scholarly activities, including research and creative endeavors, I quest for innovative solutions to the mondain and complex problems that are inherent in the performance of business, on a daily basis.
In short, it was Elvis Presley that stated simply, "TCB, Son,TCB. Takin' Care of Business!" |
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Contact Information
This is my main email service provider.I have been very happy with their quality and lack of downtime for some three years, and will continue to use their services.
This is a back-up, just in case the day does come where Iserv needs to do an upgrade right in the middle of your message.
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© Charles L. Olson, CTM
Management Systems
Revised: 03 August, 1999