Linux is a UNIX based operating systems that was first developed by Linus Torvalds at the university of Helsinki in Finland. Started as a one man project, it has grown to be the best quality operating system known today. A loose group of developers all around the world is contributing their efforts to further enhance this operating system year after year and make sure it will always stay FREE to anyone to use it.
Linux has many features that no other operating system can offer. Starting from true multi-tasking to clustering, Linux stays one of the most stable and crash free operating system available today. The only drawback Linux used to have was not being a user friendly operating system. In early 1998, the GNOME project was started to offer a common graphical user interface (GUI) promising to be the easiest to use GUI yet maintain efficiency.
The creator of Linux, Linus Torvalds
A screenshot of a running Linux with GNOME being used. Click on the image to see the full sized screenshot.