Canadian flag 9/11/2002 We Remember American Flag

Joyce's Home Page, The Helping Hands, Alternative & Complementary Research & Consulting, share in the grief of the World Trade Center, The Pentagon & Pittsburgh horrific tragedies.


How YOU can Help:
A new website helps brides and grooms incorporate philanthropy into their weddings. offers couples ideas ranging from requesting charitable donations in lieu of gifts, to donating left over wedding food to a local food bank. It provides the American Institute of Philanthropy's list of the top-rated charities from which couples may select causes especially meaningful to them.
courtesy Readers Digest Dec 2001

I received the following email from Ask Jeeves, and pass this info on:

The Ask Jeeves family in the United States, and in our joint ventures around the world, would like to extend our sympathies and prayers to everyone during the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania Tragedies. We are all profoundly affected by this terrible act.

We are grateful to be able to respond to requests by our customers to provide information and advise people on how they may contribute in this time of crisis.

As a concerned citizen, you may be asking how you can assist in the disaster relief effort. The most immediate opportunity is to give to the American Red Cross.

Your contribution will help thousands of people in a time of urgent need. American Red Cross resources are strained during emergencies of this magnitude. Your efforts and energy will make a difference. Please read the following official message from the American Red Cross which includes ways you can respond to this crisis.

American Red Cross

World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pittsburgh Tragedies

The American Red Cross has immediately responded to the explosions at the World Trade Center in New York City and in the Pentagon on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. that occurred early in the morning on September 11, 2001. The Red Cross has activated its Aviation Incident Response (AIR) Team to respond in New York City and trained disaster workers from the American Red Cross are providing relief in the affected areas.

80,000 blood donations in the American Red Cross blood inventory are ready to ship to affected areas and will ensure that patients' lives are saved. In the wake of these traumatic events lies a wide path of catastrophic physical and psychological destruction in which countless victims will require assistance. In addition to meeting the physical needs of the affected regions, the American Red Cross will be providing crisis mental health counseling.

"The American Red Cross is doing everything we can to ensure the immediate availability of the safest possible blood," said Dr. Bernadine Healy, president and CEO of the American Red Cross. "We are also dispatching hundreds of trained disaster workers and mental health counselors to New York, Washington D.C. and elsewhere," she added.

The fastest and most effective way to help the victims of this disaster is through cash and blood donations, which allow for the best use of resources. All Red Cross disaster assistance is free, made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from the American people.

To make a blood donation, please call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or contact your local blood service organization. To help the victims of this and other disasters through a financial contribution, call 1-800- HELP-NOW to make a credit card donation or Internet users can make a secure online credit card contribution by clicking here.


Donate Now to the American Red Cross at Coinstar machines

Just by bringing your spare change to the grocery store, you can help the American Red Cross bring relief to disaster victims in your area and across the country.

If half of those Americans living within 2 miles of a Coinstar machine donated just $1 in spare change to the Red Cross, it would raise more than $65 million to support American Red Cross lifesaving services in communities nationwide!

Find the Coinstar machine nearest you. (Please note that some Coinstar machines are not yet equipped with the donation option. To confirm that your grocery store can accept donations to the American Red Cross, please call 1-800-928-CASH.)

Learn more about how your spare change can help save lives.

Donate Spare Change

Donate Now to the American Red Cross at Coinstar machines
Your Spare Change Makes a Difference!

Just by bringing your spare change to the grocery store, you can help the American Red Cross bring relief to disaster victims in your area and across the country.

Approximately 130 million Americans live within 2 miles of a Coinstar machine. If even half of those American donated just $1 in spare change to the Red Cross, it would raise more than $65 million to support American Red Cross lifesaving services in communities nationwide!

Find the Coinstar machine nearest you.

(Please note that some Coinstar machines are not yet equipped with the donation option. To confirm that your grocery store can accept donations to the American Red Cross, please call 1-800-928-CASH.)


66 pennies: Allows us to give a child any one of 11 "after the disaster" coloring books and a box of crayons.
$1: Buys one family expert safety information.
$3: Buys a comfort kit with toiletries for one disaster victim.
$6: Buys one blanket for a disaster shelter.
Quarters: Add up to dollars and $30 buys a pair of shoes for a disaster victim.
Dimes: Add up to dollars $65 buys a winter coat for a disaster victim.
$10: Buys one day of groceries for a family affected by a disaster.
$20: Buys a home clean-up kit for a family affected by a disaster.

Use the machine locator link to find a grocery with a CS machine near you in USA, CANADA & UK.

You can also mail a donation to the American Red Cross, designating "Disaster Relief Fund" on the memo line of the check, at the American Red Cross, PO Box 37243 Washington DC 20013.

Light a Candle against Terrorism

Download this candle to your hard drive. To download, right click, choose 'save picture as' in IE, or 'save image as' in Netscape; do not link from this webpage as it makes it unavailable for many hours. It is a free website and doing so will overload it and cause it to be repossessed. I would appreciate a link back to this site. Thanks.

Light a Candle World Trace Center under attack

This is the 'Peace Dove' that is being sent around the world to hopefully, bring peace to the world. Please download and place on your website and ask for it to be downloaded to others' website around the world.

The Peace Dove around the world

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