Flemingdon Park Anglican Ministry Newsletter.....back to newsletter main page

Moorelands Camp, by Julia

This will be my fifth year going to Moorelands Camp.  All the years that I've been going have been great fun.  There is so much to do there, you will never be bored, and the food is excellent.

You can do a lot there.  You can go swimming.  Every morning we have our swimming lessons in the lake - it is very cold.  We do all different kinds of arts and crafts using fallen bark from trees and pine cones and lots of interesting things.  We go on overnight canoe trips and portage through the woods.  We go kayaking and we also play many games like Red Rover, Capture the Flag, and many others.

The counselors are very nice and we have lots of fun with them.  There are about ten girls in each cabin and the counselors sleep beside us in a separate room.

We have such events as Pajama Breakfast, Backwards Day and a dance on the ninth day of camp.  I used to go to the second session, and the year of the big storm I was fortunate enough to have gone in the first session before the storm hit the camp.  This year, I will be going in the third session.  I hope the water will be warmer this time.

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last updated:  September 19, 1997
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