Flemingdon Park Ministry

Anglican Diocese of Toronto


Welcome  to  New  Staff  Member Renate  Schober!
As most of you will know, I started work at the Flemingdon  Park  Ministry  in  January  of  this  year.   Tanya  Jordan,
formerly  in   my   position,  had  done  a  great  job  orienting  me  to  the  day-to-day  activities  of  the Ministry.  I want
to thank everyone  for  welcoming  me.   Every  day,  many women  and  their  families  call  or  drop  in  to  the office
to  get  help  or  just  to  visit.   I  am  especially fond  of  the  weekly  Ladies’  Lounge,  where  the many  talents  of  the
women  in  the  Flemingdon  Park  neighbourhood  are  evident.
Weekly  tutoring  sessions,  monthly  Eucharist and  Fellowship  evenings,  and  involvement  in several  other
projects  and  activities  make  for  a busy  schedule  in  this   small  Ministry.     I  am  told that  things  will  get  pretty
hectic  over  the  summer months,  with  summer  programs  for  kids  being offered  through  the  Ministry  office.
Together,  we will  make  it  all  work!   This  is  a  vibrant  community  and  a  vibrant  Ministry.   I  want  to  thank
everyone,  and  especially  The  Reverend  Betty Jordan,  for  making  each  day special  and  for  letting  us   experience
the  presence  of  our  Lord  in our  daily  lives.

Spring 1999
Memories of the great snow storm  of  January  and  Christmas are  fading.   Our  Christmas  Pageant  saw 40 angels
and  shepherds  accompanying  the  Holy Family.   The  generosity  of  our  supporters  enabled 122  individuals  in  40
families  to  enjoy   Christmas a  bit  better  with  gift  support.   Dinner  during Christmas  week  was  held  across  the
street  at  the  Flemingdon  Park  Worship  Centre,  so  72  could enjoy  turkey and a variety of  potluck  dishes  from
around  the  world.
Many   thanks   were   given  to  Outreach Committee  members  from  St.  Judes, who served food  so  everyone
else  could  enjoy  dinner  with friends  and  family.    The  “Mad  Scientist”  (Kathleen  Sorenson,  shown  in  photo  with
young  assistant)  visited  with  scientific  experiments  and  loud bangs,  much  to  the  delight  of  all  the kids,  young
and  not  so  young.
 The  year  ended  saying  “good-bye”  to Tanya  and  hello  to  Renate  Schober,  who,  with Cheryl  Bee,  keeps  the
office  welcoming  to   all  who  call  or  visit.   With  spring  knocking  on  the door,  preparations  are  underway  for
summer  in The  Park.   The  Sports  Program   is  gearing  up  to enable  200  children  to  “play  ball”  under  the  hyrdo
wires.   The  Kids’  Noon  Program  has  secured  funds  to  continue  the  fun,  learning  and great  lunches  for  50
children  to  “play  ball”  under  the  hyrdo  wires.   The  Kids’  Noon  Program  has  secured  funds  to  continue  the fun,
learning  and great  lunches  for  50 kids,  in  July  and  August.
We  at  the  Ministry  will  miss  greatly  our  Chair of  the  Board – Charlotte Sneyd – who succumbed to  a  fatal heart  attack  in January.  Charlotte   was   a   pillar  in  this  community  as  a  resident  and   activist  for  the  past  25 years.   Charlotte
 is  survived  by  her  family – daughter Karen,  son-in-law  Jim  Pozios,  much  loved  grandson  Stephen,  and  sister-in-
law  Gerrie.   May  she rest  in  peace.       – Betty

The  Computer Club

As  we  go  to  print, the Computer Club is being started.  Refurbished computers, in combination with lessons,  will
enable  the students  to  become  computer  literate.   The  computer  can  be  taken  home  when  the  lessons  are
One  by  one,  students  will  enter  the  millennium  with  the  necessary  skills  for  the  future.  Thanks  to  Ann
Reynolds,  from  St.  Cuthbert’s,  for co-ordinating  the  necessary  details;  Clara  Suter from  the  Church  of  The
Resurrection  for  preparing  the  lesson  plans,  and  St.  John’s  York  Mills for  the  resources  for  the   lessons.   We
are  blessed by  the  energies  and  commitment  of  many.

Getting Ready for  Easter

For the first time, Ladies’ Lounge is going on a one day retreat to the Convent of The Sisters of St. John the Divine
this month.  A time to be still and listen to God  will  be  welcomed  by  women  whose  days  are filled  with  the demands
of  children.   Excitement is palpable in anticipation of having time for oneself, without interruption.   It  is hoped  that
this  is  just  the beginning  of  a  new  way  to  be  with  oneself and God.


Is  the  joint  project  of  the Flemingdon Park Ministry  and  Gateway  Community  Church,  to  be a  “light of  Christ”
together  in  Flemingdon  Park.  Projects  are  being  undertaken  to  benefit  all  residents  in  the  community.
 The  projects  undertaken,  to  start  in  1999, are  a  Homework  Club  to  assist  students  in  exercising  their  skills
and  problem  solving,  the  creation  of  an  information  booklet  on  resources  and key  numbers  in  this  community,
food  related programs  to  invite  the  community  to  enjoy  food and  have  a  good  time.   A  youth  rap  group  to
give  a  music  focus  to  the  teens,  and  the  development  of  a  Quiet  Meditation  Garden  Area  to  have space  to
be  “still.”
Charlotte  Sneyd’s  family  requested  that,  in lieu  of  flowers,  a  donation  could  be  made  to “Connect”  projects.
  So  far  $2,400  has  been realized!

Faith  Works

The  women of Flemingdon Park  were  busy   hand-decorating  fridge  magnets  to  raise  funds  for Faith   Works    in
1998.   Nearly  $500.00  was  realized  and  added   to   the   fund.
In  1999,  they  are  keen  to  surpass  last  year’s  total.   In  addition  to  selling  magnets,  T-shirts  are  now
available!   The  Flemingdon  Park logo  is  coloured  by  hand  on  each  shirt.  They retail  for  $15.00  and  come  in four
The  hope  is  to  double  last  year’s   total and  raise  $1,000.   Should  you  want  to  order  one, please  call  (416)

Care  Bears In Flemingdon Park

Since  the  month  of  February  is  so  bleak, Flemingdon  Park  Ministry  created  “Care  Bears.”  It  was  an
opportunity  to  reward  everyone  who  was  kind,  did  a  good  turn  or  was  a  special  friend to  another.
At  every  opportunity, the recipients of the special  deed  could  fill  out  a  “Care  Bear”  to acknowledge  and
thank  the  person.   The  whole  of the  office  space  was  decorated  with  different coloured  “Care  Bears”  by  the
end  of  February.
At  the  end  of  the  month,  each  person  was sent  the  Care  Bears  that  they  had  earned.   There were  many
smiles  and  warm  feelings  when  envelopes  were  opened.
Recognition  of  being  a  friend  or  going  the extra  mile  was  a  way  to  perk  up  the  winter blues.


1998 Donors - Summer Lunch Program

All Souls Church, Lansing
St. George’s Anglican Church
St. Cyprian’s
St. Patrick’s Church
Mrs. Marie Moyes
Don’s Pest Control
All Saints Church
Don Mills Bingo Parlour
Mr. Jack Weinstock
Mr. W.E. Barnett
Ms. Reta C. Smith
Royal Bank (Baseball Caps)
David Moorcroft
V.P. Public Affairs
Christie Brown & Co.
(Cookies and Crackers)
Division of Nabisco Ltd.
George Nestor,
Operations Supervisor

Ministry’ Easter  Calendar of  Events


Holy Week

With Gateway Community Church
150 Gateway Boulevard


Maundy  Thursday

April 1 - 6:15 PM
Supper and Service with
Gateway Community Church

Good Friday

April 2 – 8:00 AM
Church service at Gateway Community Church
Stations of the Cross to follow

Easter Sunday

April 4 - 8:00 AM
Anglican Celebration of Eucharist at Gateway Community Church
The Reverend Betty Jordan
Celebrant and Preacher
April 4 - 10:30 AM
Presbyterian Worship at Gateway Community Church
150 Gateway Boulevard
The Reverend Dr. Stewart Gillan


747 Don Mills Road
North York, Ontario,
M3C 1T2
PHONE: (416) 425-1841
FAX: (416) 425-9850
E-MAIL:  jordan.fpm@followme.com
The Reverend Betty Jordan
Office Staff:
Cheryl Bee, Renate Schober
Newsletter Production & Design:
Ida M. Baan



Potluck Dinner and God Talk
Second Friday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Ministry office.

Holy Eucharist

Last Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Ministry office.

Anglican Eucharist in Urdu

Last Sunday of the month at 4 p.m., Church of the Ascension

Drop-in hours are:

Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For appointment, please phone (416) 425-1841