This is the Home Page of
Allie Hafez, OTR/L, CDMS, CCM
I am an Occupational Therapist in private practice as a Disability Case Manager (DCM).
For more information about my credentials, visit:
My credentials page - what do OTR/L, CDMS, and CCM stand for?
NBCOT's home page
AOTA's home page
Certification of Disability Management Specialists homepage
Commission for Certification of Case Managers homepage
The versatility of the profession of Occupational Therapy has given me the opportunity to pursue a career outside a clinical setting, as a Disability Case Manager. As such, I am considered to be practicing a non-traditional form of Occupational Therapy.
I have founded an informal network of Occupational Therapists who are providing case management services, or who are interested in Case Management as a practice niche. Membership in the network is currently free. If you would like to join you can receive OTCM Network membership questionnaire by automated email and email it back to me after you've completed it.
Once you have returned the completed questionnaire, you will be entitled to a list of current members, and the URL of the most recent newsletter.
If you're interested, you can read the first issue of the OTCM Newsletter .
A Network member and I co-authored an article that appeared in the April, 1998 issue of The Journal of Care Management . The article ("Occupational Therapists: Essential Team Members as Service Providers and Case Managers") is available online .
I've compiled a list of articles related to case management in general, the skills and knowledge needed to be a case manager, and a few references for articles specifically about OTs as Case Managers.
I am an information packrat; and I maintain an ever-growing database of resources related to human services and rehabilitation. Please share with me any information you have found useful, either personally or professionally.
I am the "webmistress" for the University of Minnesota's Program in Occupational Therapy , and for the University of Minnesota's Program in Mortuary Science
This Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation Ring site is owned by
Allie Hafez.
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