Reflections of the Tractor Salesman
by Jim Morrissey

Stories from the early days of tractor sales

(This review is excerpted from Successful Farming magazine. To order the book, please see below.)

"Jim Morrissey covers a 56-year tractor business career in his book, Reflections of the Tractor Salesman.

As a successful young salesperson in the early '30's, John Deere recruited Morrissey to convert determined horse farmers in Ohio into tractor operators. "They were concerned about buying fuel, but I assured them that tractors didn't use that much fuel and only eat when they're being used," he says.

Morrissey worked at a Caterpillar Army engine plant in Illinois during World War II. After the war, he opened his own Deere business at Plymouth, Indiana. He finally retired in 1989.

Morrissey shares many humorous anecdotes and even some sales tips throughout Reflections. The softbound book is over 130 pages and includes nearly as many photographs."

You've read about it
in magazines such as Successful Farming, Green, Two-Cylinder, and Farm and Ranch.

You've heard about it
on the radio show Successful Farming of the Air.

Now you can own this remarkable book for yourself.

Reflections of the Tractor Salesman
is a rare autobiographical account that covers 56 years of Caterpillar and John Deere sales experiences, with many humorous anecdotes and over 100 pictures. It makes a great gift!

To order:

Please send $15.00* (U.S.) to
James Morrissey
P.O. Box 315
Plymouth, IN 46563

* Please note the increase in price. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Make checks payable to James Morrissey.
Extra postage money required for orders out of U.S.

Questions? Email me (Jim's granddaughter) -
Maureen Hillenmeyer or
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