The Foldermans

William Folderman was born 1854 in New York, his parents were born in Germany. He married Almira Hayner, born 1854 in Brunswick. After they were married, they resided in Brunswick. William was a farmer. The Haner/Hayners are below.

William and Almira had least five children, known are:
1. Sherman Folderman, born 1881

2. Robert Folderman, born 1884, married Florence C. Watchel. I do not know of any children.

3. Marcus Folderman, born 1888, married Harriet May Covey. Harriet was adopted. They had two children:
3a. Joel M. Folderman married Thressa Miller. They had two children; Joel B. Folderman and Dorothy Folderman.
3b. Alida C. Folderman married Elmer Behnke

4. Cornelia Folderman, born 1886, married William C. Pitcher. They had six children:
4a. Alice Pitcher married Louis Miller. They had three children.
4b. George Pitcher
4c. Pearl Pitcher
4d. Franklin Pitcher
4e. Ernest Pitcher
4f. William Pitcher

5. Pearl Folderman, born 1891

The Hayners

Johannes Haner came to the U.S. in 1710 as part the Palatine emmigration. Instead of reproducing the entire Hayner/Haner history, The Hayner Family Association has published this history and his descendants. For more information, see below.

My great-great grandmother, Almira Hayner is the daughter of William Hayner and Sarah Porter Monfort. They also resided in Brunswick, New York.


There is a Hayner family reunion in Troy, New York this summer 1999. If you are interested in more information,Click Here

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Some links to visit regarding the Hayners:

There is a Hayner Family Association. Check it out if you think there is a connection. Also, since Johannes Haner emmigrated as a Palatine, there are links with Palatine information.


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Page updated May 6, 1999