NALC BRANCH 1091 at Orlando Florida




Home Member News References Local Resolves 

Branch Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each Month at the Union Hall!

Shop Steward Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Union Hall!

NALC History

Founded in 1889, NALC is the union of city letter carriers employed by the U.S. Postal Service. Letter carriers delivered 207 billion pieces of mail last year, six days a week, to over 136 million homes and businesses in every city, suburb and town in America. NALC is affiliated with the AFL-CIO and with UNI, an international alliance of communications unions. For further facts and the entire History of the NALC, Click here!

Contact Information

 PRESIDENT:                    THOMAS (TOM) D. SHERMAN
        EXECUTIVE VP:             DAN W. TEGREENY
                   SECRETARY:           DAN R. DIERKS
                         TREASURER:          THOMAS (TOM) F. LOGSDON

Telephone: 407-298-1091  Address: 4790 Deauville Drive, Orlando FL Email :