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Penney Patel Law

David Wong Architect



Community Constable

them to chop down trees in a neighbour's yard!……
Sad but true.

Theft of, and from, cars and burglaries still seems to dominate the crime statistics.

A reminder not to leave items in your car overnight, or during the day for that matter, even an empty bag in view gives a thief a reason to break in.

Do keep those reports of suspicious happenings coming in.  One the most important features of Neighbourhood Watch & Support is, not surprisingly, simply keeping an eye out in your neighbourhood and acting if you see anything suspicious.

especially suspicious when you discover unknown people on your property or you have them knocking on the door giving well worn excuses similar to the following.

"I'm looking for a phone to call a taxi."
"I've lost my dog around here somewhere."
"Can I use the toilet?"

Any of these statements and their many variants should ring alarm bells in your mind immediately.

Be alert and note as many facts about the incident as possible.  Try to watch the subsequent movements of these people.  Alert your local NHW coordinator.

Seriously consider dialling 111 or Newmarket 5244195  right away to report.  Better to have a false alarm than pick up the pieces of a disastrous burglary later!  Let's work together to keep our streets and property secure.
As we go to press, there have been a number of reports of suspicious persons in the Wapiti Rd and Dunkerron Ave neighbourhoods.

A number of items to be aware of during this month.

As is the case during school holidays the amount of graffiti in the area has increased.

If you have been the target of this crime, or have any information that may help catch the offenders, please contact Rob Shields, Graffiti Prevention Officer, Auckland City Council.

Rob is working with the police to help ensure that these vandals receive the punishment they deserve.

If your property has tagging on a wall, fence or garage door which is adjacent to the road you can call to have it removed, free of charge, most times within 24 hours.

Rob and his team can be contacted at the Auckland City's graffiti hotline 379 2020.

There have been a number of complaints received regarding some men turning up at homes and being very insistent on being paid around $150 to remove trees from the property.

If anyone suspicious like this comes to your door demanding money ring 111 immediately to get them spoken to by the Police. We really need good descriptions and any details of vehicles they are using.

Please do not be bullied into handing over money for work you did not want done. Or, as in one case, pay