Updated: 11-March-2000

Our Story Begins Here

Why Oral History Is Important

From Memories to Memoirs

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The AINLAY Family Tree

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Our Story Begins Here

Why Oral History Is Important

From Memories to Memoirs

Meet the Publisher

Our Virtual Office
What's New New!

The AINLAY Family Tree

Contact TAJ Here
Nihongo(Japanese Homepage)

Association of Personal Historians (USA), Oral History Association (USA), International Biographical Center (UK), The PEN Club (Japan). Legacy Memoirs is an imprint of Breakthrough Seminars, Inc. (Japan)

© TAJ, 1999

Legacy Memoirs

"We're saying history is not the headlines... it's the furrowed lines on a grandfather's brow.The grandparents I hardly knew It's the front lines of the war where a brother died. It's the unemployment lines that a father stood in. It's the straight lines a crippled child eventually learned to draw. It's our blood lines and our life lines. And it is the lines of memory we record, whether they are 80% complete or only 100% more than a family would have if nothing is done to preserve their heritage."

- TAJ, September 1999

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on personal history,

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