Version Francaise.

Welcome to my little corner of Paradise!!!
b To My Little Corner of Paradise! b

Enter My Paradise Here!!!

Click picture to enter My Little Corner Of Paradise!! I have added the drop down menu at the bottom of this page to help you navigate my site. Hope it proves useful.


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Thank you so much for picking a flower for my garden. As you can see it is filled with Love.....Life......Smiles......Joy.....Care and Hope.....that is my wish to all of you.....Big hugs for the people that took the time to fill my garden of flowers....Its precious to me and will will follow what it says every day. Thanks again!


Member ofThe HTML Writers Guild


Welcome to my little corner of Paradise. Hope you enjoy your stay, and let me know by signing my Guest Book.

I make my dreams every day.
I start with a thought
and make a world all of my own.
This is my little corner of Paradise
and I invited you to see
all the wonder that I have found.
So sit back open your mind
and heart and let your Dreams begin.

I believe in Balance, Harmony and Diversity of Culture and Religion. I believe also there is more in Heaven and Earth than we will ever know, so I tend to never discount what I am told. I try never to laugh or put down anothers stories or beliefs. I have added the drop down menu to help you navigate my sites. Hope it proves useful.


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