I start bracelets by cutting anywhere from four to ten strands of either black embroidery floss or persian yarn to six inches or so longer than the bracelet will be. Persian yarn is a six ply yarn that is more "fuzzy" than embroidery floss and holds the weaving better. However, the bracelets turn out fuzzy, too. I don't know where to get it because my mom found it for me somewhere. That is all I have used, so I can't compare it to regular embroidery floss. Anyway, back to the instructions. Tie the strands together at both ends and put them on the loom. To weave, I usually use floss directly off the cardboard things (I'm not sure what they are called, but they are what I keep all my floss on rather than in the skeins). The only tips I can give are to use a comb to push the rows tightly together and change colors in the middle of a row so the ends aren't showing on the sides.