Welcome to Bodystockings!
Glad you decided to stay a while and visit.  Now, you may be asking why this site is here and if it is pornographic. Well, there is no pornography here.  Almost all images posted are in good taste (otherwise this site would most likely be taken down!).  All you can see here are PG images.  The front page made it look like there might be something more compelling within, but the main reason is that even these PG images may offend some people.  Although private parts are not exposed, body contours are clearly visible.  That in essence is part of the beauty of skin tight body coverings--emphasis on form, with the rest left up to the imagination!
Links to other tights related sites :
Wolford - the ultimate in hosiery
Ballet Mania Forum
Ever feel like talking to others about your interest? Then stop by the Ballet Forum on Parsimony:
Skin tight body covering images:
This site was created by Seamless, who can sometimes be found lurking at the Ballet Mania forum.
Copyright(C) 2001-2005  Seamless  (seamless@usa.com)
My Tights
A fun site dedicated to the wonderful imagery of the human body encased in skin tight fabric !
You'll find all kinds of interesting people on this forum ready to discuss many aspects of ballet and ballet attire.  Feel free to participate!  Men and women welcome!
Tricot Cafe
Good sources
Brands and ratings
Men's fashions with tights
Wear Moi Ltd International