April 14, 1998
Dear Musicians,
We at Moka Productions are in the process of expanding our TV series "Solutions" to include a weekly Dominica Music Video Segment entitled "Moka-Mix".
Our past productions include:
Our series is "Solutions" - a name that speaks for itself. The idea is to present solutions to the many aspects of our daily lives. We try to present information from which each individual can benefit, which brings us to the focus of this letter.
All submissions must be mailed to:
253-64 148th Drive
Rosedale, N.Y 11422-2816
We feel that this endeavor will help tremendously in promoting your band, album sales and in introducing your music to a whole new crossover audience so that when you come to the States during the year to perform you can rest assured that you'll have a more diverse audience. There is absolutely no representation of our music being played or viewed any where in North America on a daily basis. In an era where much of a band's success is based on marketing, we feel that by featuring your videos on our Public Access show we can help you benefit from wider exposure.
This new series of "Solutions-Moka Mix" is scheduled to air in June 1998 therefore your prompt response and submission is requested.
Looking forward to hearing/seeing you soon.
More Music
Maurison Thomas
P.S. whenever you're in NYC, please give us the opportunity for an interview.