A night to remember!!

I shall long cherish the memory of a delightful evening I spent at home. My beloved and I had a candle light dinner alone, with pleasant and interesting conversation. Then we sat at the piano and sang many of our favourite songs. When our throats grew weary, we turned on the stereo and danced to beautiful music. When tired, we strolled arm in arm through our moonlit yard. I was so very happy. Then came the resting phase and we made love. I longed for more such evenings.

IS THIS ROMANCE? Well some of you may say "yes" and some may have a negative response. But according to me this is not total romance. It’s a part of romance. Sometimes I just think that there is little bit of a romantic person in each one of us. It’s just hidden somewhere deep inside of those, who think that they are deprived of this heavenly feeling called Romance. I pity them!