Quiz TWO
This Quiz isn't hard at all, I made it up by myself. If you know the boys then you'll do good on this quiz. Even if you know them just a little, you'll probuly be able to answer these questions without having to take a moment to think about them.

Question: What is Nick Favorite Colour????


Question: Where is Howie born from?????

2(A)Orlando, Florida
  (B)Edmontin, Alberta
  (C)Toronto, Ontario
  (D)Kentucky, USA

Question: Who is not a Backstreet Boy????


Qusetion: What Backstreet Boy thought he was going to star in the  NBA????


Question: What colour is Howie's Eyes????


Question: What two sports are Brian's Favorite????

6(A)Basketball and Baseball
  (B)Football and Soccer
  (C)Golf and Basketball
  (D)None Of those

Question: In the Music video Backstreets Back who is the vampire???


Question: What is A.J's favorite food????

8(A)French fries
  (B)Kraft Dinner

Question: Who wears Briefs in the group????


Question: What nintendo game does Brian always beat Nick at????

    (B)Mortal Kombat
    (D)Mario Cart

Question: Who snores in the group????


Question: Who wishes they had a voice like A.J?????


Question: Who used to like gummy bears until he got to many sent to him from fans????


Thats the end of Quiz two, I'm going to make up more so come back and check them out. To find the answers to this page Click Here.