many women, like myself, are very crazy about the brand of makeup they where. Let's face it-a fabulous container of some of this "miracle paint" can give any lady a new, fresh attitude that is well worth the cost. SOOOO... what's your favorite potion?

Your Name:

Which major brand of DEPARTMENT STORE Makeup (the good sutff) do you use?
Lancome Clinique Elizabeth Arden Ultima II Merle Norman

What do you buy when you lose your baggage at the airport, have a dinner to be ready for soon, and the only shopping place in the vicinity is a WAL-MART?
Cover Girl Maybeline Max Factor Revlon Almay

What is the most IMPORTANT makeup you use?
foundation/powder eyeliner mascara lipstick eyebrow pencil

What type of makeup color scheme do you use most often?
neutral cool warm anything involving bright blue eyeshadow anything that glows in the dark (even when you're NOT going to a rave)

If your purse was so small, you could carry only ONE of these items, what would it be?
powder lipstick blush concealer mascara