Pantyhose Unisex Fashion |
What is your answer on 'Why do human wear clothes?'
I am only a layman, but I think my answer is -
I cannot list all but I want to pin-point that the criteria of choosing clothes is very individual. So, I do not agree some clothing can only be for men and some are exclusively for women. I would say the most important criteria are COMFORTABLE and LOOK GOOD.
Regarding "Clothes is designed so that a person's strengths (on body shape) can be outstanding.", can you find any choice for a man to show if he man has good legs?
When you spend a little time to think more, clothing style DO CHANGE! In the past men also wear tights and something like short skirt (remember many people mention 'Romeo', 'crusaders', etc.?) In the past women were not allowed to wear pants. In the past if you attend a wedding banquet you must be in formal dressing. In the past Chinese people did not wear western style suit (of course) and must be in long hair. In the past there is no jeans. In the past ...
So, if you see a man wearing skirt/pantyhose.. and you will automatically label him negatively, please re-think seriously - whether the man is having some mental problem, or you are stubborn??
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