Lewis wrote:

Thanks for your mail Mike. You ask how you should tell your family and the world about your fashion choice. I think this is also the key question other pantyhose-men would like to know.

Hi, Lewis, I admire your forward thinking and admirable cause. I too am a male pantyhose wearer and am not afraid to sign your guestbook completely. (no April's fool either) I wear for comfort, warmth and to assist with my sometimes tired legs. I also enjoy the beautiful view of a lovely women in them also. Pantyhose truely command quite a bit of power from a woman's perspective. Probably because they feel they have exclusivity of this wonderful garment. In time I hope this perception changes.

Because of this barrier, it is difficult for me to expose my pantyhosed legs in public view or to explain my position to loved ones (mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law and others) and neighbours alike. Yes comments may be minimal but I fear alienation and unfavourable chats within my small neighbourhood community and of course my family. I know my sister-in-laws would probably be OK with it but others I think would surely label me as "odd".

Yet, one big plus is that my wife knows and is supportive. The other immediately family problem are my young children.

So there are many obstacles but I will keep pushing the envelope a little further and see what developes. Any suggestions please feel free to e-mail back.

Brother in hose.

I totally understand your thinking because I have also gone throught this stage. No big deal, it just takes time.

In the past not too many people knew I wore pantyhose. Recently, not only my family but also some of my closed friends know about this. Strangers will also notice this because I also wear this in public. I have also bought a pair of 'ladies' shoes which I am going to wear outside.

Again, it only takes time.

Yet, I would say, "Don't wait for the world to change." We are 'ODD' today only because more than 99% of us are just hiding away! If just a few percent of us STAND-UP like women's fight for their rights, immediately the society will know that we are not odd at all!

My only suggestion is that, change yourself gradually in your living circle so that your love ones can have time to accept you. Your wife accepts this easily right? So, why can't the others?

Don't wait, just do it!

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