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Men vs Women - Are their rights equal???


People say Men should . . .

People say Women should . . .


Image and character


There are certain attributes for men like strong, tough, independent, should protect the family, should be the financial source etc.

They must not have any 'feminine' image!


Women should be 'feminine'. BUT . . .

women also possess traditional male characters like 'outgoing', 'strong', 'independent', etc.

Moerover, what can be for men must also be for women!

Women's right? Of course fine!

Men's right? The society says 'Hey come on, You are a MAN!'

In fact everyone, either sex, has different combination of masculine and feminine attributes. Women are accepted to have so called 'masculine' characters. Why can't a man show his feminine side?

Good career

 Of course.

 Why not??!

This is what the women fight for. The society totally support!


Why not? Though it is not accepted in the past, many 'Daddys' are excellent babysitter now!


Traditionally it's a women's job. Women strived for the support of their husbands in action and now becomes totally accepted. 

Someone still dare say 'Oh, don't bother me / my husband for this housewife's job.'??


Household work


Yes, men should do them. Men is also a family member!


Yes, women should do it. Men should do it as well.

Totally agree. There should not be distinguished roles for men and women. Who still say 'Men working outside, women stay at home.'??

Traditional 'male' sports

Men can play well in Pole-vault, Soccer, Car-racing, etc.

Women can also play them good, though their structure limits their performance in some activities when comparing to men.

Women have proved that they can play the traditional 'male' games well!

There are worldwide competitions on, for example, pole vault, triple jump, soccer etc. for women now.

Weigh train


What a masculine look!

Why women must be soft? Why can't they have strong body?

Weigh train is popular for both sex, though muscle-women are still not widely appreciated.

Office suit


A men should wear jacket and trousers, black or dark socks, black or dark brown flat shoes, and tie. Women's office dress like pantyhose, heels, skirts etc. are definitely not for men.

Though we prefer women in skirt/dress, they can also wear trousers or even traditional men's suit if they like. It is just up to their choice.

Why should there be some restrictions for both sex? Many years ago had anyone ever dreamt that women in suit and trousers could look good? It's just a matter of taste. Now we even have women's uniform in pants. So, can anybody say that men in skirt and pantyhose must be bad and must not be accepted in future?? It's just a matter of time!



Men are tall enough. Heels are too feminine. Heels are for women only!


'Heels are uncomfortable. I hate them.'

'Heels are beautiful. I love them!'

So, it is a woman's choice.

If this is true - (1) Tall women no heels pls, (2) Short men can wear heels. On the other hand, why men's shoes must be in wide head design? Narrow head looks slim but sorry, for women only??

Men do not have a choice even many of them have the taste (whether it is high-heels or just narrow head shoes).

General clothing

You are only 'allowed' to wear traditional men's wear, which shows more masculine.


You are allowed to all types of clothing. Even for "men's" items, designers make them in various degree of 'masculine'/'feminine' combination so that you can choose.

Who defines masculine?? Who says that a man must ALWAYS look masculine???

In the past, women were only allowed to be feminine. Now we know that they can look excellent in different outlooks and many previous "male's" terms such as 'sportive', 'sociable', 'executive' etc. are all good for them.

Long hair men, earring men etc. are gradually accepted. It should not be long for pantyhose (and skirts, heels etc).

Do you have any comment or do you have any other ideas? Mail me. This will certainly help to shorten our journey to victory.

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