Costume Design Chicago


Kelly Rinne

Currently designing:

One Hour Opera at Chicago Opera Theater

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This page is designed for those with no knowledge and extensive knowledge of costuming. These pages are designed to aid you in these key costuming areas:

I have designed and taught costuming throughout various parts of the US, and have many wonderful [sic] stories to tell about working free-lance. The first thing to learn: The high-paying rush job always comes in AFTER you've committed to the low-paying rush job

NEW!Go to the How To Design A Show on No Money Page for tips and hints when your budget is $200.00. (and we've all been there!)

As you scroll through the pages, look for the mannequin. It may not always click like the ones above, but that's a CD note, (Costume Designer) a helpful hint to take you through the always adventurous, never-dull and extremely entertaining world that exists in a theatrical environment.

My interests are:
A mystery to me, but usually involve coffee late at night.

I started designing costumes twelve years ago, when I was in a show and someone said, "hey, you have to work on a crew." They threw a shirt and a pair of sleeves at me...After I taught myself to sew, the shirt had sleeves and I was addicted to that sewing machine, although I still perform opera on occasion.

After you're done browsing around go to my

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and tell me how you liked the site.

The Atomic Fireballs Home Page

Amy Armstrong's Diva Page I do Amy's gowns for her cabaret appearances here in Chicago. Let's hope some better photos are posted.

© 1998 All content developed and designed by Kelly Rinne, except where credit is given.

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