

This site includes links to some of my favorite sites as well as the usual personal "stuff" that one finds on many web pages...  These links are generated by interests that are shared by family and friends...  Please allow me to share with you...



  Button Collecting Links

Button collecting is called a hobby, but anyone who collects these tiny works of art knows that it is a Passion!  Many button collectors "discovered" the beauty of buttons after they had been collecting other things.  It doesn't take much for the button 'bug bite' to take hold and infect a person!  There are many links to other collectors/button sites...  just use the Button Collectors Web Ring (bottom of page) to begin your journey!  If you are intrigued by the content of the pages we link to and wish to find out more about this passion, just send an e-mail to me (or to the person whose link you followed) and we will gladly give you information you request about collecting and/or joining the National Button Association, State and/or Local Button Collecting Societies to learn more about the buttons that interest you and for you to find out how to meet others whose passion you share. 

I must say that I have never met a button collector that I didn't like!! 

Keep Homestead Museum Page Auctions
Buttons, Etc. MM&F Button Studio
Drake/Haiss Antiques' Button Page Kay Ferguson's Art Buttons
Funtiques Buttons The Button Museum
Button Bytes Light is a site that holds many areas of interest for button collectors. There are profiles of button lovers, articles of great interest to "newbie" as well as seasoned collectors, a mystery button each month, great pictures of beautiful buttons. You name it, you will probably find it. You can also sign up to participate in the BBL e-mail list. This list gives us all the opportunity to read about new discoveries, buy from other members, show off your own acquisitions, ask questions, and help others find answers. Vintage Button Bracelets & Other Delights
Mary's Buttons
Micki's Button Bazaar
Coolectibles'Button Museum
The Button Emporium 
Button Images

Deb's Buttons



KJS Scrimshaw Buttons

Flag on Tagua made for button friend Dora D. (click the flag to view more examples)



Genealogy Links

Our Family background has always fascinated me...  finding out information about the past generations in our family...  seeing the old photos...  reading old letters and other papers of past generations brings these dear ones to life and makes the past seem not as distant as it otherwise would feel...  Two branches of our Family hold yearly reunions and we all enjoy sharing our latest discoveries.

In our Family pages, please note that we have only begun to touch the surface...  There is so very much more to be discovered!

My dearest nephew, Eric Gunnar Jerrold, gave me Family Tree Maker for Christmas '96 and I have been slowly putting information into that program.  I also use Wholly Genes' program, "The Master Genealogist", and find that both genealogy programs are able to import each other's records well (each program has something that I find the other lacks, which is why I am using both programs).  Many of our family records are lacking some sort of information, and anything that you might be able to add to our research would be greatly appreciated, so please let me know by emailing me with what you have to share!  I will be more than happy to share what I have with you, also!

Some of the names included in our family are Comins, Page, Pagliaro, Stibolt, Hansen and Phelps. The Comins Family originally came from England and were among the first colonists of the New World.  Many of the Phelps people settled in Connecticut, and were also some of the first colonists.  The name Page was changed from Pagliaro... our branch came from from Sambiasi, Italy.  Stibolt and Hansen are from Denmark. 

My dear nephews, Bryan and Eric, are (on their father's side) the Great-Great-Grandsons of the Reverend Stephen Williams.  (Rev.) Stephen Williams is the subject of the "Boy Captive of Old Deerfield" series of books... Reverend Stephen Williams is buried in the graveyard of the First Church of Christ of Longmeadow, MA.  Stephen Williams' sister is also the subject of a fairly recent work entitled "The Unredeemed Captive". 


Massachusetts Genealogy  The Official Comins Family
HYTELNET - Library Catalogs:USA:Massachusetts Page Family (unofficial)
The Genealogy Home Page Stibolt Family (unofficial)
The Family History Pavilion National Genealogical Society Home Page
Scandinavian Genealogy Pages Hvem Forsker Hvad (The Danish Genealogical Research Guide)
WWW Genealogical Index BYU-ISSL - Family History Research
Top Genealogy Sites (Over 27,000 Links) Italian Genealogical Group


GenSearchFederation of Genealogical Societies Home Page



 A Visual Trip to Italy

An ongoing project... Click here to view pictures from my trip to Italy.

Memories linger... how can we ever forget certain places, people, sights, smells... these things that bring to light something truly extraordinary in our hearts and minds... I don't think I will ever visit Italy again... viewing the images keeps cherished days keen... sharing this trip visually is my gift to you.




This Button Collectors site is owned by Kirsten Stibolt.
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Saturday, May 14, 2005