
Fan sites

The ClogPage
The best page for clog fans, which contains pictures of clogs, texts, stories about clogs, links, shop address and more... If you like clogs, you have to go there ! The ClogPage Team is very very kind and they do a lot of work to offer better clog page.

Joliann's sandals and clogs
The site of a pretty cool girl where you can see her DrScholls exercises sandals and clogs.

Another FrenchClogPage
A french clog fan presenting his clogs.

Another clog page.


Bastad clogs
Torpatoffeln clogs
AM-Toffeln clogs
Scandinavian link
HEJSKO clogs
I do love (they're simply perfect, they're painted, but it's for their design I love'em): TESSA painted clogs


ShoesOnTheNet retailers
The Clog Store

To find info, stuff on shoes, try Pathfinder

Personal homepages

Clogfan (french)
Currently clogs (JustForKicks)

Visit my music page

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If any links presented here is bad, please Contact me