Welcome to my doll house. Here you will find a gallery of my madeover dolls and a showcase of my collection. I have updated the galleries to include the designer of the doll. Some dolls don't have the designer's name because it is unknown by me. If you have the information, I would appreciate it if you email me so I can update the page. Thanks

Thank you for visiting.

Dressed to the Nines August 7, 1999

Madeover DollsUpdated August 7, 1999

Artist DollsUpdated August 7, 1999

My Favorite LinksFebruary 2, 1999

The faces of BarbieUpdated November 10

The Essence of BarbieUpdated August 7, 1999

The Best of Robert Best Updated August 7, 1999

My Doll Showcase Updated February 15, 1999

My Doll Showcase IIUpdated August 7, 1999

Store ExclusivesUpdated August 7, 1999

Email me with your feedback or questions.

Disclaimer: This site is in no way affiliated with Mattel, Ashton Drake or Hamilton Design.
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