Hi! Welcome to my homepage!

There are couple of photos of me...not very good photos but better than nothing =)
Well, to you who don't know me, maybe I should tell something about me... But first, I'm sorry if I have some writing mistakes here..my English is what it is so..
And now, I am 16 years old girl from Finland. I have 3 little brothers and usually it's like living in Hell!!!!!!Well, I guess I could say it's ALWAYS like it..!
I have a boyfriend. He's very nice and I love him VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY much.... His name is Kimmo, he's a year older than me...etc...and some people have said that he looks a bit like Leonardo DiCaprio..now because i wrote that he'll kill me...=) he doesn't like him..
I'll write a bit more about me some other time...

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