The Internet has opened up tremendous opportunities, endless possibilities, and drasti - cally changed our outlook on conducting business by online and offline companies. It lies beyond any boundaries, unites people worldwide and considerably increases chances of boosting business. To arrive at a realistic estimate of what we would charge to create your site (or modify your existing site), we would need to discuss the following with you:Web Site Design – what style and tone will best represent your business or organization? The answer to this question plays a key role in determining what it will take to project the right “look and feel” to your visitors. Strictly business? Stylish and artistic? Simple and elegant? Visually arresting? Available Content – what do you already have in the way of advertising text and/or graphics, that can be effectively used (or reused) in a web-based format? Logos, photos, and other graphics that are already on hand can go far in keeping costs down. However, we gladly do graphic work and copywriting for the additional fee.