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Interview Questions

Interview Questions 



Introduction by Asylum Officer

My name is James Bond. Today you came here to the asylum office to answer some questions concerning your asylum application. Before we start the interview, I have some instructions for you and your interpreter. You would be asked if the interpreter read to you the instructions/declarations given to you when you arrived today at this office and if you understand it. The asylum officer who would conduct the interview would repeat the instructions and you and your interpreter would swear under oath and sign the paper.

The instructions are:

  • That you know you are here today for your asylum interview.
  • That you would tell the only the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  • That all your documentary evidence and written statements are true and accurate?
  • That not telling the truth would result in a criminal punishment leading up to 5 years of imprisonment or fine.

Now you would stand up, raise your right hand, and swear that you would tell the truth. After this, both you and your interpreter would sign on the paper.

The interpreter would also be instructed to translate what the officer and the applicant say word-by-word, without altering, modifying or adding to what he hears in a direct speech.

Be relaxed. You would not be informed of your result today; thus, there is no need to be anxious. If your visa status has expired, you would to this office after two weeks from today. If your visa has not expired, we would be mailing the result to you at your address. (This is because you can apply for asylum again as you would not be referred to an immigration court because of your legal status. Additionally, when your visa is valid, the interviewer would sometimes send you an “Intent to Deny” letter giving you the chance to provide “rebuttal” or explanation with additional evidence on some of the issues raised at the interview.) The result is one of two things: (a) you may be granted asylum and permitted to live and work in the U.S. and bring your spouse and children; or, (b) your case may be referred to an Immigration Judge (IJ) where you would have a second chance to request asylum.

Before we begin, please feel free to make corrections, additions or changes on the information provided in your Application for Asylum (Form I-589) and the Supplementary Affidavit.

Biographic Information 

  1. What is your full name?
  2. Do you have a passport or ID bearing your photograph? Can I see it?
  3. What is your address in the U.S.?
    • (Including street name, city, state, zip code and telephone number)
  4. Which address did you give when you filled your I-94 form in the airplane/airport?
  5. Why and when did you move from there? How did you travel?
  6. What evidence do you have to show that you currently reside at the address you gave?
    • (Including affidavit from your host, correspondence received through the address, description of the area by identifying the buses, subways, landmarks, streets, stores…)
    • With whom are you staying?
    • What is your relationship?
  7. What is your date of birth?
  8. What is your citizenship?
  9. What is your ethnic background?
  10. What is your religion?
  11. What is your marital status?
    • Do you have children?
    • State their names and dates of birth?
    • Where are your spouse and children now?
    • Has anything happened to your spouse or children while you were in Ethiopia or after you came to the U.S.?
  12. Where are your parents and siblings now?
    • Has anything happened to your parents and siblings while you were in Ethiopia or after you came to the U.S.?
  13. What languages do you speak?
  14. Would you like to switch between English and Amharic/Oromiffa when you feel comfortable?
  15. What is the highest educational level you attended?
  16. Have you attended education/ tours/training/seminars… outside of your native country?
    • Where was that?
    • When was that?
    • Did the government that persecuted you cover the expenses?
    • Why did you not seek asylum at the time of your travel?
  17. Did you work before you came to the U.S.? How were you employed? Was your position an assignment or an ordinary one?
    • Describe where you worked and the time you worked.
    • Why were you dismissed/demoted? Who took your position? What losses did you incur?
    • How did you support yourself or your family in between jobs or until you came here?

Fear of Persecution 

  1. Why do you seek asylum?
  2. What happened to you while you were in Ethiopia?
  3. Who harmed or mistreated you?
  4. Why were you harmed?
  5. What is your political opinion?
  6. How do you prove that you are from that ethnic group?
  7. What makes your ethnic group different from others?
  8. Does it have its own language? Can you speak the language? If not, why?
  9. What unique culture (music, wedding, dressing, dancing, custom, ceremonies, religious belief, games, foods, mourning…), history, psychology, political needs…?
  10. Why do you think the current government persecutes your ethnic group?

Arrest and Detention 

  1. How many times were you arrested?
  2. When were the times you arrested?
  3. When was the first time you were arrested?
  4. How were you arrested?
  5. From where were you arrested?
  6. Were you summoned? Did any family member/friend go with you to the place you were summoned?
  7. At what point in time did you learn that you were under arrest?
  8. How many people arrested you?
  9. What kind of clothes did the persons who arrested you wearing?
  10. How did you know they were government forces?
  11. What did they say when they arrested you?
  12. What were the accusations?
  13. What happened when you arrived at the detention center?
  14. Describe the detention center.
  15. Describe the first day of detention.
  16. Were you interrogated?
  17. Describe what the room or place of interrogation looks like?
  18. How many times and how long were the interrogations?
  19. How many people interrogated you?
  20. Did you admit to the charges labeled against you?
  21. What answers did you give them about the charges?
  22. Did you sign a paper admitting the charges?
  23. Were you mistreated during the interrogations? How? (Physical beatings, torture, mental abuse, threats, intimidations, racial or other slurs blackmail, sexual harassment…)
  24. What words did they use for intimidation, threat, and slurs?
  25. How were you physically beaten?
  26. What did the interrogator use to beat you?
  27. How many times were you beaten?
  28. Were you beaten on all occasions of interrogations?
  29. Were you physically or mentally harmed?
  30. Did you seek medical attention while in detention?
  31. Were you provided with medical attention?
  32. Did other inmates in prison help to stop the bleeding or the pain?
  33. Did you seek medical attention after you were released?
  34. Where is the medical certificate showing your treatment?
  35. What was the purpose of the interrogations? (Confession or investigation?)
  36. Why did the interrogations take so long?
  37. What time of the day were you interrogated?
  38. Do you remember the name/s of your interrogator/s?
  39. Could you describe the physical appearance of your interrogator? Why did you not forget his appearance?
  40. Where were you taken after the interrogation?
  41. What does the room you were detained in looks like? (Big, small, congested, dark, window/s, concrete, ventilation, beds, mattresses, blanket, pajamas, mosquitoes, lice, fleas, running water, toilet, urine buckets, clean, dirty, cold, hot…)
  42. Were there other inmates detained in the room/cell?
  43. How many detainees were there?
  44. Could you give me names of a few of them?
  45. What were their charges or reasons of imprisonment?
  46. How did you know?
  47. Were any of them charged for political reasons?
  48. How did you know?
  49. How did you spend your time in prison? (Reading, writing, praying, talking, sleeping, playing cards…)
  50. How were you emotionally? (Depressed, worried, anxious, frightened, crying…)
  51. Were family members/friends allowed to see you? How often?
  52. What did you eat? How was the food?
  53. Describe me how you spent one (1) day from morning to night?
  54. Were you allowed to go outside for toilet, fresh air…? How often?
  55. How were you released?
  56. How did you find out that you were to be released? When was the last time you were interrogated?
  57. Did you sign anything before you were released?
  58. Were you given warnings at the time of release? What was it?
  59. Were you obliged to report and sign at the Kebele?
  60. Were you intimidated, interrogated…during your appearance at the Kebele?
  61. What words did they use for intimidation, threat, and slurs?
  62. What was the worst thing that happened to you during detention? (Put all in order of severity)
  63. Which of these detentions was the worst? Why?
  64. Were you released on bail bond? For how much money?
  65. Who signed the bail? Did he deposit the money or copy of title deed of property?
  66. What happened to your bail after you came here?
  67. Did anyone bribe the authorities? Who? How much? How did you know?
  68. Where did you go after release?
  69. Who came to take you?
  70. For whom did you talk about your detention?
  71. Were you taken to court?
  72. What happened after you were released?
  73. Did you hear from your interrogator/detention center again?
  74. Were you threatened or was there surveillance? How did you know?
  75. Did you report to any body about your harassment? (Government bodies, human rights group, press…?)


Second or other Arrests and Detentions 

  1. When, where and how were you arrested for the second time, third time…?

[Answer all the questions listed above under “Arrest and Detention” similarly for all the arrests and detentions.]

Affiliation with a Political or Social Group 

  1. Are you a member of any political group? (Political party, support group, social organization, coalition force or front…)
  2. What is the name of the political group?
  3. Why did you become a member of the group?
  4. What are the objectives of the political group?
  5. When was the group formed/established?
  6. What is the status of the group currently?
  7. Who formed the group?
  8. Who are the leaders of the group?
  9. How is the organization structured? (National, Zone, Woreda, Kebele…levels?)
  10. How many members does the group have?
  11. When did you become a member?
  12. What were your reasons for joining the political group?
  13. Who recruited you into the political group?
  14. Are you a supporter of any political group?
  15. What are your duties/obligations for the political group?
  16. What is the difference between membership and being a supporter? (Rights and duties of a member verses the choices of a supporter?)
  17. Do you contribute money to the political group? How much? Regularly?
  18. How much do you earn as salary?
  19. Do you contribute in kind to the group? (Performing activities, collecting signatures from supporters, writing articles, preparing and decorating halls…?)
  20. Do you attend meetings of the political group? When? Where? How many times?
  21. What were the agendas of the meetings at the time?
  22. How did you find out about the meeting?
  23. Have you ever given opinion on meetings? What and where?
  24. How many general meetings does the political group hold in a year?
  25. How many special meetings does the group approximately hold in a year?
  26. Have you ever participated in a demonstration organized by the group or any other group? When? How was it?
  27. Have you attended a fund-raising event called by the organization?
  28. Is the group legally registered and does it currently function in the country?
  29. What is your assessment of the performance of the political group?
  30. What is the relationship between the government and the political group?
  31. Does the government put pressures on the political group? How? On whom?
  32. Has the political group ever participated in elections?
  33. Have you ever voted in an election? Who did you vote for?
  34. Have you recruited others into the political group? How many people? How are you related? Are they still affiliated with the group?
  35. What happened to them?
  36. Did the political group do anything when you were imprisoned, harassed…?
  37. Is the political group a member of any other Coalition, Front, and Organization?
  38. Is the political group in a civil war?
  39. Does the group use violence as a means to its end?
  40. Did you know that the group uses violence?

Departure from Your Country 

  1. How did you leave your country?
  2. How did you get the U.S. visa?
  3. Was your escape planned or a coincidence?
  4. Did you know that you would seek asylum when you left your country?
  5. Did you carry all the documentary evidence that you presented here when you left the country?
  6. Who sent it to you and where is the postal envelop?
  7. What incident made you decide to leave the country?
  8. How did you get your passport?
  9. How did you get your exit visa?
  10. How much did you pay? Who paid it for you?
  11. Who was the middleman to get you the exit visa?
  12. Did the payment for the exit visa include people at the airport?
  13. Who paid for the air ticket?
  14. Were you afraid that you would be caught at the airport?
  15. Has anything happened to family members or others after you came to the U.S.?
  16. What happened?
  17. How did you learn about it?
  18. When was he/she arrested? For how long? Why?
  19. What was the reason and what was said about you?
  20. When was the house searched? What was taken?


  1. What do you think would happen to you if you return to your country?
  2. Did you have a chance to escape harassment by relocating/moving to another region of your country?
  3. Have you attended meetings or demonstration after you came to the U.S.? Where? When? What was the reason? Who called it?
  4. What evidence do you have to prove the harassment you suffered?
  5. How did the person who wrote you the affidavits come to know about your harassment?
  6. Do you have anything to tell me that you think I should know?
  7. Have you ever harmed others as you were harmed?
  8. Have you ever helped a terrorist organization?
  9. Have you ever worked or supported an organization that uses violence?
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