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You need Java to see this applet.
Greetings spoken, left behind...Come again some other time...Take a memory into...Live inside and breath for you
Don't go here unless instructed by me either through the phone, in person, or in an IM. If you want to try talk me into letting you in, IM me at Gooberdrk on AOL IM. Or you can just be a dishonest faggot and do it anyway. I guess it's something to be expected.
This is still the same site, however I'm removing a bunch of lies and outdated truth. The kid you see watching over this little nest here is tired of saying he's not an asshole. He is...If this site ruins someone's life. I simply ask they don't try and fucking come crying to me about it. Fuck you all...You know I care, so why don't you atleast try to not be so fucking stupid, look out for yourself an inch or two?
You need Java to see this applet.
This link takes you to my images page. It's just a bunch of random pictures of me. Blah...There it is
I'm dedicating this link to the 2 sexiest guys in the world. My brother dave and I. So if you want to be sexy, go here and learn from the best, or if you're looking for a date, this is your lucky day.
This is the sexy page
This is my hateful page. Don't go here on a good day...I don't.
Don't go here yet, go here later, much later