There are several common mistakes I have noticed people playing Magic do. You may Think that they don't make much of a diffrence but it can change the whole Tide of the Game. For Example; I have seen some one Attacked by a 7/7 Creature while the other person has a 4/4 and a 3/4 and the guy with the 2 creatures just feeds the 3/4 to the 7/7.But there are even more mistakes player make look at the following points to see more mistakes.
1. Group Blocking
This one I and my friends are Guilty of not doing. In the Example above I would have done the same thing as the guy with the 2 creatures did. But if he had blocked with both the 7/7 would have dies and he would have only lost one creature. Basicly I'm saying Group block if it will make your opponents creature die and only lose 1 or 2 of the blockers will die. Instead of 1 Each turn he attacks.
2. Mulligan
Most Beginners don't realize that a Mulligan is Very Important. They think that is they have there biggest creature in their hand thay have a good hand regaurdless of the amount of land in his/her hand. Mulliganing gives you the opprotunity to get a new hand but the drawback is that you get to draw 1 Less card for each time you mulligan. There are certain times when you should Mulligan in most cases when you have les than 2 land or more than 5 land you should Mulligan. 1 Land can work sometimes if everything in your hand only costs 1 or 2 mana.
3.Play Instants at End of Turn
The Main reasom you shoul wait untill the end of your opponents turn to cast an instant is that it gives you more targets and keeps your land open for your turn. Plus you make your oponent waste his mana so he has less of a chance to counter the spell.
4. Drawing or going First
Playing or Drawing first is an Important desicion to make. You can either go first and be a turn ahead of your opponent or go second and have an extra card. If you go First you have a turn of un-interruptable play. If you have a first turn play You should proably go first. If you don't go decond draw a card and the play what you can.
5.Chosing Targets
When playing red you will proably want to roast one of your opponents creatures. But the problem is you don't know which one. Say you opponent has a 4/2 with no abbilties and a 2/2 with regeneration. Plus he is Tapped Out. The 4/2 is Bigger but he has a 2/2 that he can't Regenerate since he is Tapped Out. So instead of kiling the 4/2 you proably want to kill the 2/2.