Ellen's secret closet
This page will be about crossdressing. If you don't like this subject, please hit the return-button on your browser but keep in mind that an open mind is the best mind!

I'm Ellen and I'm living in Holland. I'm about 6'2 (1.85 m) and I'm in my fourties. However I'm still in the closet, I would like you to give you a little peek into this closet!
Until now, this page is a first attempt to have a homepage at all. I am trying to improve it again and again and I  hope you'll visit again.

Lot of things happened during the last few years that kept me from CD and this website. But now after my divorce, I have a new girlfriend and guess what: she wants to do a make-over and go out with me... Little scary though... ;-)
My picture-album:
Some links to some nice friends:
Visit Helena in France!
In the beginning...
Don't forget to look at Terri Ann's
The start of a new millennium...
You are visitor since March 9, 2000
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