!!PRODIGIOUS!! Ver. 2.0




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taken from Megchan
Since 07/17/00
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last updates - 07-30-00

Oh God.. I /really/ hate to do this, but... I'm not going to be updating !!PRODIGIOUS!! for a while.. Please, don't send any submissions (fanfics, fanart, links) until furthur notice. I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear, after having so few updates already, but I've started school, and the work is already starting to really pile up x.x;; No, I'm sorry I'm not through tagging the fics I've recieved, so there's nothing new at the moment. I'll get the fics up as soon as I can, though. I apolagize, and I ask that you please be patient. ^^;;; I hope I don't loose any visitors over this. Thank you to everyone who's been so kind as to stick by me tho' ^^ I really appreaciate it.

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