Welcome to Benito133' Guestbook!

LeThanh LeThi - 07/26/00 06:34:25
My Email:LeThanh73@hotmail.com
Age: 32
Location: Kosin University, Korea
Church: Tran Cao Van, Danang

I'm very happy because I can see a lot of known names of Vietnamese pastors. God always keep all of us in His Almighty Hands. May God bless all of you, especially the Pastor's family. Le Thanh (The daughter of Rev. Le Yen in Danang, Vietnam)

Vietnamese Church Online Directory - 02/06/00 22:28:52
My URL:http://vietchurchdirect.webhostme.com
My Email:taiwah70@yahoo.com
Location: Seattle


Trinh - 12/14/99 04:39:03
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~lamquoc/main.html
My Email:Trinh@email.com
Age: very old
Location: san jose
Church: San Jose 2

Hi ! I was surfing from San Jose 2 website (http://come.to/sanjose2), and I saw a link to your site.I loved your site... it's very blessing !!!

Diana - 10/15/99 02:10:11
My Email:dieu15@juno.com
Age: 15 soon to be 16
Location: Renton, Wa
Church: Seattle, CMA

Hey Vinh, Nice homepage. Hopefully we'll see each other at OGN year 2000. Keep in touch k? Diana Quach

Nguyen Huy - 06/30/99 04:06:13
My Email:jonmai@hotmail.com
Location: Houston, TX

It's very nice homepage...and keep up with the very good work.

Kinh-Nam D. Duong - 06/22/99 23:47:36
My Email:kinhnamduong@hotmail.com
Age: 23
Location: Albany, NY
Church: Springfield, MA

Excellent job, Vinh. Keep up. Can you put up some Lake View Camp pictures and Hoi-Dong pictures, too. God bless. Nam <><

stephen nguen - 03/31/99 06:03:08
My Email:stephennguye@juno.com
Location: houston, texas
Church: VACH

Hey BENITO good job with the Spring Break Camping page! By the way it was at Lake Somerville not Lakeview :) Keep up the good work, son, daddy's proud of you.

Kinh-Nam Duong - 03/29/99 19:19:22
My Email:ttkdd@hotmail.com
Age: 23
Location: Terre Haute IN (this week)
Church: St. Louis (this week)

You have done a good job. Keep it up. BTW who is Tuyen and who is co Lan? It's nice to know something about our church. I hope I'll be back soon. Really miss you guys. Nam :-) <><

annie sylveser - 02/26/99 23:29:54
My Email:cheekx15@juno.com
Age: 18
Location: home, i guess
Church: VAC

hey 'sup with all the pictuers of the people...cool looking!!! k, gotta go! laters... <3 in <><, annie

annie sylvester - 02/26/99 23:24:16
My Email:cheekx15@juno.com
Age: 18
Church: VAC

hi vinh!!!!! hope you have a great weekend. see you at church!!! need help...PRAY HARD!!!!!! <3 in <><, annie

Huong Nguyen - 01/24/99 04:43:12
My URL:http://quen roi :(
My Email:Thuonguyen@juno.com
Age: unknown-kho^ng ca^`n
Location: houstongurl
Church: nha` tho?` VN

Hey boyzzzz I don't know what to write...so tell me what you want me to say ....well be brave...and keep being a computer nerd ...just like you are right now, okkie????...by the way you have an awsome homepage man!!!...but create a better one for me okkie???hehehejk. ..have fun at Lee High school..and i'll see you around!!! tam biet!

Huong Nguyen - 01/24/99 04:42:34
My URL:http://quen roi :(
My Email:Thuonguyen@juno.com
Age: unknown-kho^ng ca^`n bi
Location: houstongurl
Church: nha` tho?` VN

Hey boyzzzz I don't know what to write...so tell me what you want me to say ....well be brave...and keep being a computer nerd ...just like you are right now, okkie????...by the way you have an awsome homepage man!!!...but create a better one for me okkie???hehehejk. ..have fun at Lee High school..and i'll see you around!!! tam biet!

Huong Nguyen - 01/24/99 04:34:40
My Email:Thuonguyen@juno.com
Age: unknown
Location: houstongirl


Little Susie Q. - 12/05/98 22:48:32
My Email:susannaquach@juno.com
Age: 13 1/2
Location: Renton, Washington
Church: Kent C.L.A.N.


Muc su - 11/29/98 16:27:50
My URL:http://vach
My Email:msnduong@juno.com

I would like to write on your internet to correct the new Sunday Program. Show me about that! Thank you so much. Pastor.

Muc su - 11/29/98 16:22:18


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