The Seattle Area Gene Enthusiasts (SAGE) meet quarterly.  Dues are $12.00 per calendar year.  To join, please send a check to
Barbara Bratlie
2550 Thorndyke Ave W, #305
Seattle, WA  98199

Please make the check out to Barbara and write "SAGE DUES" in the memo area.  Your dues help pay for the cost of publishing and mailing of the newsletter.

Dyeing for Gene
an extract from SAGE News, Vol 1 Issue 2,  by Teri S.Newton

Tired of "playing dollies"?  Ready for a change?  Try dyeing Gene or her clothes!

Recently members of SAGE were inspired by Tim McManus' dyeing Monaco's wedding dress purple and Red Venus' dress black.  Tim did a beautiful job with Rit® dye on the stove.  Recently, I repeated Tim's success by dyeing my own Red Venus gown as well as the White Hyacinth outfit and accessories black.  Other Gene fans have tried their hand at actually dyeing the doll!  Charles Josef "wowed" us at the NJ Convention with his green witch and Don Philpot made Gene "shine" as the African American star Josephine Baker.

For more of this article and many other interesting articles, tips, and information, contact Teri at

Don Philpot's Gene as Josephene Baker (rear)